
Thursday, 6 March 2014

TERRORISM & WAR Pluto and Saturn and Astrology

TERRORISM & WAR Pluto and Saturn seem to play a vital role in causing war, loss of life and wealth, economic crisis, and danger to safety and stability. Pluto rules Scorpio, the 8th sign of the Zodiac and the 8th house in Mundane Astrology indicates elimination and regeneration, unearned income, possessions of others, theft, mutual funds, death, liabilities, loss, destruction, insurance, revolution, rebels, reformation etc., So Pluto governs these matters, and if afflicted, causes loss of life, wealth and crops, attacks, rapes, violence etc. 

Saturn rules the 10th sign Capricorn and the 10th house in Mundane Astrology signifies nations, cities, rulers and government. Saturn is the planet for stability, safety, security, control and material gains. If afflicted, Saturn causes delays, difficulties, loss, sorrows, failure, death and danger to safety, security and stability. 

Conjunction of Pluto and Saturn may give mixed results like revolution, radical change, transformation, loss or death. Opposition and square aspects indicate adverse results. Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto occurred in the sign Cancer during 1914 to 1916. This triggered first world War and economic crisis. Saturn in Capricorn and Pluto in Cancer formed opposition during 1930-31, causing financial crisis and losses. The square formed by Saturn in Taurus and Pluto in Leo during 1939-41 was responsible for the Second World War. Pluto, Saturn and Sun were in Leo on 15th August 1947 when the British rule ended and India became independent and the partition of India taken place. Pluto in Virgo and Saturn in Pisces opposed each other during 1965-66 when there were Indo-Pak and Vietnam wars. During 1981-82 Saturn - Pluto conjunction occurred in Libra caused Iran and Lebanon wars. In 1992 -93 there formed a square causing Gulf war. 

Now during 2001 Saturn is in Gemini in opposition to Pluto in Sagittarius. This adverse aspect is responsible for the terrorist activities, attacks on WTC and Pentagon, causing loss of wealth and many lives and the American raids over Afghanistan. Gemini is the sign of America. Pluto in Sagittarius afflicts Saturn in Gemini. Capricorn ruled by Saturn, is the sign of Afghanistan and India. Sagittarius rules Arabia. This Saturn-Pluto adverse aspect may cause major economic crisis war, deaths and loss of wealth. 

There is another reason for the troubles faced by America. Gemini, the sign of America is transited by Saturn afflicted by Pluto in Sagittarius, according to Mundane Astrology. The horoscope cast for Solar ingress in Aries, indicates the trends of the country during the year. 

Sun entered Aries on 20th March 2001 at hours 13.31 G.M.T. or 8.31 AM L.M.T of New York, America. The 26th degrees of Taurus was rising at that time and Saturn was in Taurus in the same rising degree. This is an evil position. Saturn is afflicted by Uranus in 10th house - Aquarius. This adverse asp3ect is responsible for the destruction of World Trade Center and Pentagon and the death of hundreds of people. The unexpected event happened in a surprising way due to sudden attack by aero planes. Uranus is the planet for bomb, planes and sudden and surprising events. Neptune and Moon in the Tenth House indicate the secret plot to ruin the property. Debilitated Mercury in the 11th house was in adverse square aspect to Jupiter in Gemini. They are rulers of houses2 and 8 which govern national wealth. So huge loss was incurred. Further Mars and Pluto were in 8th house indicating loss of property and lives. Venus - the ruler of houses 1&6 was in the 12th house in retrograde motion indicating the adverse events. Thus the Solar Ingress chart clearly indicated the bad position. 

The New Moon on 23rd May occurred in Gemini, the sign of America. Both Sun and Moon were afflicted by the conjunction of Saturn. Both Sun and Moon were afflicted by Uranus on 6th June - the full Moon day. Again they were afflicted on 21st June when there was an eclipse. Sun was in exact square aspect to Pluto and Saturn on 5th and 7th September. On 11th September,, Moon was again in Gemini afflicted by Saturn and Pluto, when ;the disaster happened. The Americans started raids on Afghanistan on 7th October, When the Moon who in Gemini, Afflicted by Saturn and Pluto. Thus the Saturn-Pluto opposition aspect was activated by Moon causing heavy loss and deaths. 

Sun entered Aries on 20th March at hours 18.08 Kabul local time. Zero degrees of Libra was rising at that time with Sun exactly on the 7th Cusp, Saturn in the 9th house, and Venus, rulers of houses 1 & 8 in the 7th house, retrograde. The Solar Eclipse on 21st June occurred exactly on the 10th cusp of Solar Ingress. On 11th September Mars entered 4th house in opposition to 10th cusp. Moon activated the Saturn - Pluto opposition aspect in October and Solar Ingress Venus was afflicted by Sun, Mars and Jupiter. These adverse factors are responsible for the loss of national wealth and deaths in Afghanistan. It is a war against terrorism for Americans and it is a crusade or Jihad for Afghans. It seems that there is no end to the war in the near future, due to the adverse planetary transits especially Saturn and Pluto. These two planets are in houses6 & 12 from Capricorn (Ruled by Saturn) which is the sign of both Afghanistan and India. This is the reason for the increased terrorism in Kashmir and bombing on Kabul, Kandhahar and other afghan cities. Mundane Astrology helps to indicate the future trends in the countries. 

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